This is my very first blog post on here. If this is your first time here, Welcome to my new blog!!!! It has been a roller coaster of a year. Goodbye 2019! Exactly a year ago, I wrote about going through a quarter life crisis and in depth about what came out of that experience. Read here. With the whole world going through covid-19 and staying home safe, the situation came in handy as a tool of introspection, it has helped me spot the difference between our lives then and our lives now. Here are 21 vital lessons learnt in 2019 on love, cultivating closeness and attention to personal health and wealth.
1. Thank God for your jobBelieve it or not, your job has added a lot of extra elements to the person you have become today, one who is independent, someone with dignity, disciplined and extremely skillful. Begin your day with an “I get to” mentality, instead of an “I have to” mindset. I get to go to work. I get to have a busy day. We often dress our opportunities as stress when they are really blessings. An attitude of gratitude will take you further than you ever imagined. I steadily remind myself that I must be silly to be anything less than grateful.
2. Be a minimalist
Downsizing simplifies your life so that you can
focus your attention on what really matters. I learnt to stop trying to impress
people, I only need to take care of the basics, have a good hygiene, keep
myself clean, keep my weight under control and wear reasonable clothing. It might
sound silly but until I discovered minimalism, I had no idea how much time,
energy and money I was wasting on clothes (Ok - I knew I was wasting money!).
We tend to have more things and people around us than we need, in addition to
shedding possessions and ending relationships that no longer serve you, it may
also be helpful to reduce your number of commitments. You don't want to be the one everybody calls at the time of need, you need to only serve those needs that are important to you.
3. Simplify your finances
Money matters! After blowing off most of my advance money in December; parties, celebrations, makeup, hair, travelling, etc. I had little or no clue on where my money went, I learned the hard way to make a conscious decision to record what I spend daily, cut down expenses, save monthly, and mostly prepare funds for emergency (2020 is full of surprises so far). Truly, it's not abut how much money you make, but how much you keep and how much it works for you, making a significant impact to your life and those of others.
4. Listen to yourself
I honestly feel in order to grow, you have to take responsibility and listen to yourself. “Strange, isn’t it? You know yourself better than anyone
else yet you crumble at the words of someone who hasn’t even lived a second of
your life". The world is filled with people who think they know you. Listen to
no one else’s voice but your own. Sometimes, you’ve got to
be able to listen to yourself and be okay with no one else understanding.
5. Choose your partner carefully
I saw the year 2019 particularly interesting for me as I came to this knowledge. It was a game changer for me, once I
discovered being with the right person is 100% worth it. If you ever come to the conclusion that you are with the wrong partner, speak your mind, do the things you need to do and take full responsibility for the consequences (good or bad) but
don’t look back and say “I wish”.
6. Always hold your head up high in difficult times
2019 was full of difficult times most especially greedy people. I understood that people may destroy your image, stain your personality but
they can’t take away your good deeds, because no matter how bad they describe you,
you will still be admired by those who really know you better.
7. You are way too powerful to keep doubting yourself
I have always been a lover of positive words of affirmation and this just gave me the ginger I needed to love myself when the odds are down. Your power to create, to visualize, to love yourself, to
accept who you are now is already your truth. Always remember you have what it takes to become the best that you can be. Don't ever doubt yourself. Harness your power and exceed your expectations. You are pure
greatness!!! Never forget that.
8. Make sure they treat you right.....or leave!
For me, one relationship reached a point where I was always the one making compromises on my end and expected to just understand when it’s consistently not reciprocated on theirs, it’s not me they desired but the utmost level of perfection. There’s a difference. - If your partner doesn’t seem to recognize the flaws in their actions towards you, let alone apologize for it, don’t spend all your time trying to make them understand. You shouldn’t have to teach your partner how to treat you right and frankly it can’t be done.
For me, one relationship reached a point where I was always the one making compromises on my end and expected to just understand when it’s consistently not reciprocated on theirs, it’s not me they desired but the utmost level of perfection. There’s a difference. - If your partner doesn’t seem to recognize the flaws in their actions towards you, let alone apologize for it, don’t spend all your time trying to make them understand. You shouldn’t have to teach your partner how to treat you right and frankly it can’t be done.
9. Be patient and consistent
Patience and consistency will get you the greatest results. Looking back at 2019 now, things are falling in better places for me career wise, emotionally and financially. Six months of hardcore focus and alignment can put you 5 years ahead in life. Be consistent with your action and faith! One day you’ll look
back and be thankful that you kept moving forward.
10. Do not force anything
The biggest lesson I learned last year is not to force
anything; conversations, friendships, relationships, attention, love. Anything
forced is just not worth fighting for, whatever flows flows, what crashes
crashes. It is what it is!
11. Sleep on a regular schedule
As part of my dedication to staying true to loving myself, I
tried to get regular sleep for the last one year, my life has definitely
changed, one I look way younger, I am much calmer and depression free. Please, I strongly recommend sleeping early for anyone struggling with depression. Sleeping
on a regular schedule keeps my brain refreshed, emotionally happy and keeps me on top of my
game (Plus I recall facts and details much easier).12. Confidence
Oh how I have struggled with confidence, in the famous Chimamanda Adichie’s voice, simply put confidence is “a continuous journey and not an absolute destination. There are days when you will be bursting with certainty and days when you will be flattened by doubts. It helps a little to keep in mind how universal this is”. Its not everyday you feel confident and its okay, it happens to the best of us, but we keep moving!!!
2019 taught me people will quit on you. I've got to get up every day and make sure I never quit on myself. Stop letting yourself get drifted into the past that could never become part of your present reality. Don’t let the memories you had with someone occupy your whole heart, giving no room for the new ones you create. You deserve a now that is just as beautiful. Remind yourself that and let yourself move on.
14. Don't ruin your 20's overthinking
Nothing will ruin your 20's more than thinking you should have your life together already - an elderly lady advised me late last year. Enjoy the process of being a work in progress. Don't put that kind of pressure on yourself that you should have everything figured out now. You're going to be okay. It all will turn out fine. Don't rush, enjoy the ride!
15. Pay your savings account first
When my paycheck comes in, I put money into savings first. If I wait until the end of the day period, there's a good chance there won't be as much left to save. Having a savings account - even if it's small - does more than just help me. It saves me money. When an unexpected expense comes up, paying for it out of savings rather than through credit helps me avoid paying extra.
16. The mind is a battlefield
Having seen most young folks fall into depression easily once they hit their twenties, it is no exception that the mind is a constant battlefield. Every day, I am faced with two choices, to make the most of a bad day or to sit and complain about everything in my life. Life is not perfect, we all get it, but I am happy am still here making the most of this gift called life.
17. Be a good
person for yourself
(This one is for Ladies!) There are bigger and better goals in life than just being a good woman for a man. Be a good woman for yourself. Make your happiness and personal growth a priority in your life. The more you take care of yourself, the more you can take care of others. The woman you’re becoming will cost you people, relationships, space, and material things. Choose you over everything.
18. Take a chance on change
I made a vow to never be cheap with myself. Ignoring prices on menus, stopped waiting for sales. Invest in yourself at the highest level possible, whatever that looks like good for you. Don't be irresponsible with your finances, but stop denying yourself pleasures that will make you feel special and successful. I am both. A time came when I needed a change of environment, change in whatever, it was just be what I needed for growth, my mental health.
19. I reduced social media time.
Social media shows all positive times of others, it doesn't necessarily reflect their real life. It kind of helps my body and mind to enjoy real life things. It psychologically increases my energy level to do more things in my real life. So it's better to browse once in a while but not all the time. Sorry! If any of you missed me on social media. Its all love.
20. Nothing is too big to sacrifice family!
Family is really all that matters sometimes. Family is not just blood, it’s those who want you in theirs, accept you for who you are, and would do anything to make you smile no matter what.
Family is really all that matters sometimes. Family is not just blood, it’s those who want you in theirs, accept you for who you are, and would do anything to make you smile no matter what.
21. Love the process. Life is a journey! Embrace every moment life gives. As I often asked in every circumstance, what is this teaching me. I made mistakes, a whole lot,, while enjoying the process of coming out stronger.
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